The Stones

Standing stones series
White Horse, Men an Tol, Devils ring & finger, and lost landscapes.

Lino prints with added inks from my original drawing illustration.

mimi butler white horse stones
devils ring and finger
Devils ring and Finger

The pale horse has been with us in all mythology due to the rare nature and glow of the living animal.

The Devil’s Ring and Finger – this is an intriguing standing stone set, similar to The Mên-an-Tol in Cornwall, with a hole in the centre and a pointed standing stone. It is situated near Norton-in-Hales, Shropshire.

Possibly the entrance of a megalithic chambered tomb.. but no tomb has been found.

mimi butler hare portal
menhir france
charroux lino and ink print mimi butler

A hare crossing a stream with a stone portal. Windswept landscape with a hare, prints with ancient dolmans and gateways. 

Drawings for Charroux starry skies, shooting stars with a menhir.

Men an tol mimi butler lino print
wraith mimi butler print

Men an tol in Cornwall small formation of standing stones in Cornwall, Three miles northwest of Madron. It is also known locally as the “Crick Stone”

A mysterious figure in an ancient landscape. Ghostly traces of previous lives inhabit the land.

stone portal mimi butler
mimi butler art

The White Horse – Epona was a protector of horses and goddess of fertility

mimi butler white horse lino print